Track your plant collection to grow your best plants
Are your plants growing out of control?
Do you discover too late (like, when your plant is dying) that you completely forgot to water for weeks on end? Never mind fertilizing, repotting, and propagation details!
Want to grow lush beautiful plants but find you can barely keep them alive?
What you need is a system to keep track of your watering, fertilizing, repotting, and propagating.
Here’s a solution - the Plant Planner!
As a fellow green-thumb, I know how busy life gets and how tough it is to stay on top of caring for all your plant-babies. Trust me, I’ve been there - from the crispy foliage to the pot that’s waaay too light!
After this happened one too many times, I came up with a system to help stay on top of all things plant-wise!
With this plant planner system, the guess work is taken out of tracking your watering as well as fertilizing, pruning, potting, propagation, and more.
This 5 page printable set is all you need to stay organized and grow stunning plants!
WATERING SCHEDULE - Write down your plants and check off when you water them throughout each month.
You’ll start seeing patterns - like when they need water vs. how often you’re watering.
PLANT COLLECTION - Track your plant info. Note when you purchased it, how tall it was, care notes, when it was repotted last etc.
Sketch your plant or a leaf detail in the box if you want - it’s a great exercise to help with your Plant I.D. skills!
PLANT PROPAGATION - Track all your important propagation details. Note when and how you rooted your plant-babies so you can figure which techniques work best for you!
PLANT PLANNER - A simplified weekly list. Use it to track plant care and watering or for any “To-Do” list!
NOTES - A pretty plant-filled bonus page for general or plant-specific note-taking.

Page sizes: Letter - 8.5” x 11”
Total pages: 5
Format: Printable PDF
Delivery: Instant Download PFD
NOTE: This is a digital download. Nothing will be shipped. You will not receive a physical product. Because of the format and deliverability of this product, it is nonrefundable.