Posts in Home Decor
How To Budget & Fund A Home Remodel Project In 2023

So you’re considering taking on a remodeling project or a design project of some kind for your home. Maybe its an entire kitchen remodel, or maybe it’s more modest like re configuring some of your landscape beds, or buying furniture and home decor. That’s great! Next question though - how to make a budget for it, and if its a larger project like that dream kitchen or bath, how to fund your remodel?

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Pasadena Showcase House

If you love house tour and you’re in the L.A. area during spring, Pasadena’s Showcase House is not to be missed. In fact, the city of Pasadena isn’t to be missed, and I’d recommend sticking around for another day or so to see other sights while you’re there. We’ve been making a habit of the Pasadena Showcase House for years, and after a two year hiatus, the 2022 showcase house didn't disappoint.

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Natural Look Spring Décor At T.J. Maxx

Spring is almost here, and I know parts of my home could stand some refreshing for spring, especially the living room fireplace area. It's no secret T.J. Maxx is one of my favorite online haunts. Why? Because you can find some seriously great stuff deeply discounted! Plus, it seems like they put their more high-end merchandise online - you don't have to dig through stuff like you do in the stores. Here are some of my favorite TJ Maxx hang outs:

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Philodendron Rojo Congo - [Red Philodendron Care ]

Red foliage philodendrons, whether it’s Philodendron Congo Rojo, Black Cardinal, Imperial Red, or Congo Red, are all spectacular. It’s no surprise so many are smitten by their dramatic dark-reddish foliage, and caring for red philodendrons is so easy they will make even a novice plant parent feel like a proud expert!. I’ll cover all things related to what I’m calling the red philodendrons.

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Easy Holiday Decorating With Fresh Greenery

If you’re looking for easy and natural holiday decorating for your home’s front door and exterior, this post will give you helpful ideas. Decorating with fresh greenery garlands and evergreen swags turned out to be a surprise keeper for future years! I've retired my faded faux garlands that decked out my Christmas porch for years, and I'm not going back. See my fresh, green Christmas porch.

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Holiday + Gift Guide at TJ Maxx!

Thanksgiving is upon us, and for many of us that means lots of travel, family, and food. I know I’ll be some of each.

Before we hit Turkey Time though, I wanted to bring you a holiday gift guide from one of my favorite haunts - TJ Maxx. My sis and I are big fans. Why? Because you can find some seriously great stuff deeply discounted!

While scavenging for bargains in-store has been a traditional sister-bonding pastime for us, 😁 during lockdown she introduced me to their online shopping.

It's even better than the store because there's nearly so much "sifting" to do - they seem to put their better merchandise online.

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Favorite Fall Décor

It’s definitely fall y’all! (There I said it, try not to hold it against me:) Halloween is around the corner, and if you haven’t already, it’s time to get your fall on. Check out the variety of autumn inspired objects and décor both new and vintage. Fall especially puts me in the vintage mood for some reason. Anyway, old or new, there’s something for everyone in this fall décor haul.

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Styling With African Beads

African beads are on my radar as an emerging interior design trend. You may have seen them in IG posts and not even realized what you were looking at unless you checked sources. Often styled in flat lays or layered over other décor, African beads are beautiful and versatile accent pieces. My interest in African beads began during a trip to Morocco when I purchased large brass Tuareg beads.

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Labor Day Sales!

Labor Day weekend is upon us. Kids are back in school, and it signals the end of summer. With that are lots of Labor Day, End of Summer sales to be had, and I’ve put together a lengthy list for you. I know I plan to score a few deals over the long weekend - I’ve hardly shopped for anything this summer, and my wardrobe could use a refresh. So check out the sales, and enjoy the long weekend!

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It's Amazon Prime Day!

It’s Amazon Prime days and there are deals galore! Take a look and see what suits your fancy. I’m going for a mesh WIFI system since we have serious coverage issues in my house, a Kindle Paperwhite - it's $50 bucks off and my sis insists it’s a must have, some shelter mags like Elle Decor, and who knows what all else - the day(s) are still young! :) Prime Day runs now through tomorrow, so don't dilly-dally!

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Monstera Deliciosa Care [Soil, Watering, Repotting, Fertilizing]

Monstera deliciosa is a botanical and design icon due to it’s statement-making leaves. Photogenic foliage has made this tropical plant an internet star with its’ strange and beautiful holes, monster-sized leaves, and deep green tropical appearance.

As a result, we see them unfurling all over social media both in houseplant circles and in heavy rotation as a green interior design accessory. Plus, they even make the cut as décor itself, and you can find them on everything from wall art to throw pillows.

Best of all - Monsteras are easy houseplants to care for, and can be grown to impressive size with minimal fuss.

Let’s explore this wild and wonderful tropical plant together. In this post, I’ll cover:

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Trend Alert - Curvy, Wavy, & Squiggly Décor

Geometric design has always been a fixture in design because, well, geometry. In recent years though, geometric design has meant a preference for a lot of triangular and rectilinear hard-edged forms in everything from logos to wall art to planters. Now however, the design world has seen a distinct shift towards more organic and sculptural forms that include curvy, wavy, and even squiggly.

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Memorial Day Weekend Sales

Memorial Day Weekend Sales! Memorial Day weekend is upon us - can you believe? Along with it are lots of big sales! I’ve put together a lengthy list of plants, décor, and fashion for your perusal. I know I plan to score a few deals over the long weekend - I especially want to see what’s available for outdoor cushions, fun home accessories, and of course, the Nordy 1/2 yearly sale! Happy shopping!

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Black and White Bathroom Mood Board

Today I’m bringing you a mood board renovation project that's been top of mind for a long time. I decided a while back that this bath would be in some version of black and white. Black and white bathrooms kept popping up on my Pinterest mood boards. I thought I wanted color, but the Pinterest boards don’t lie, and I realized black and white is a trifecta of stimulating, restful, and timeless.

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Dark Green Kitchens [Kitchen Trends 2024]

If you watch interior design trends like I do, then you’ve probably come across a green kitchen or two lately. These verdant kitchens are sometimes deep and lush, other times light and airy, but always with a dramatic green punch. Green kitchens comes in a range of hues and flavors, but what I’m focusing on here is a dark green that’s approaching black. From deep forest to blue-green peacock. Personally, I’m besotted with this dark green kitchen trend and felt compelled to write about it, so come explore with me.

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How To Repot A Fiddle Leaf Fig (Planter Size, Soil, Drainage, & Fertilizing)

Do you have dreams of super-sizing your FLF from small-scale to jumbo? Fiddle leaf figs (Ficus lyrata) are content to stay in a smaller pot, but if you want them to grow to max capacity, they will need to be transplanted into a larger planter to spread out and fill out. This happened with my own fiddle leaf fig, and I’ve outlined every step you need to take along with the “why” behind each step.

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Natural Home Décor Ideas - 6 Easy Styling Tips

Are you inspired by the idea of bringing the outdoors in and creating your own indoor oasis? Nature and greenery have a calming effect on people - it’s a universal human response. It doesn’t mean we all respond the same to all natural environments of course, but at some level, nature and greenery soothes the savage beast, so to speak. We are hardwired to respond positively to the natural world.

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Nature-Inspired Home Office Reveal

The Greenhouse Studio home office remodel was a long time coming and the dust has finally settled. Looking for inspiration for your own nature-inspired workspace? Follow along and see how it turned out. Plus I’ve included my sources for furniture, decor, and plants along the way. I couldn’t imagine ever liking this room, let alone loving it, so you can understand why I’m so excited to share it!

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